About Me

My name is Jonathan Loppnow, and I am the sole developer of Now Games. By day, I am a Software / Game Developer; by night, I am a martial artist.

My very first game was Pokemon Snap for the N64. Since then, my passion for games only grew. A lot of the inspiration for my games are from those I played as a kid, including: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Dark Cloud / Chronicles, Quest 64, Dragon Quest Monsters Joker, etc.

Martial Arts is a large part of my life as I have been training for over 20 years. I am a 4th degree black belt in Contemporary Martial Arts, a mix of Hung Gar, Karate, Wushu, XMA, and Kickboxing. I have competed in many tournaments locally, nationally and internationally, namely the WKC World Championship held in Spain in 2011, and the World Hung Kuen Competition in China in 2018.

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